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DEEP SEA CARL Remember to use the correct sign for the Absolute Values for the depth of each character. -14 -12 -8 +7 +14

MR. SLICK Going 'up' is positive and going 'down' is negative.
1 + 46 - 17 + 9 - 26 + 3

MAIL ROOM MANIA Refer to addition and subtraction of integers.

QUEST FOR A CUBICLE This interactive problem has many different problems within it. Be sure to write down your answers on a piece of paper so you don't lose track of them! Refer to addition and subtraction of integers for help.

 JOB 1  11 - 15 + 123
 JOB 2  23 - 19 + 46 - 12
 JOB 3 123 - 45 + 31 - 78 + 15 
 JOB 4  16 - 5 + 89 - 45 + 78
 JOB 5  20 - 8 + 22 - 4 + 35
 JOB 6  87 - 13 + 26 - 13 + 26
 JOB 7  9 - 4 + 145 - 78 + 12
 JOB 8  91 - 40 + 16 - 32 + 6

Floors that end with 3:
Melvin the Mechanic: 90 x 13 = x, 10,000 - x = water left in tank.
Executive Profit: $16 - $9 = $5 profit per share. $5 x 124,500 shares = x, x divided by 24 = amount of profit per executive.
Floors that end with 6 or 9:
Doughnuts: First, count the executives in the picture. Then, determine the total number of doughnuts (8 x 12). Determine the number of doughnuts taken by each executive 8(3 + 8) = x. Subtract x from your total number of doughnuts.
The Lab: (-5 x 48) + (-3) = the temperature setting for the glue.
Floors that end with 1:
Jarod the Head Peon: add the pluses and subtract the minuses.
Floors that end with 2/4/8:
The Big Bosses Lunch: 24 - 3 - 15 = x
Filing cabinet: Refer to Absolute Value lesson.
Floors that are multiples of 5:
Speedy Sue: Add up the total miles. Subtract 25 from your total. Multiply the difference by $2 to calculate her extra pay. Add this amount to $12 for her total salary this day.

MATH CREEPIES To find the number of students that could be attacked by Halloween Jack's bats, first count the number of cups, then multiply by 3 ( the number of bats in each cup.) Using that answer, then divide that number by 4, the number of bats that can attack a student at one time. Round to the nearest whole number and submit your answer.

COOKIEMAN How long will it take to get to the land of Toast and Jelly? We know that rate x time = distance, therefore, time = distance divided by rate. Time = 2,700,000 divided by 450,000 miles per hour. Solve for time.

How many toast people did he see? Each turkey club uses 3 pieces of toast, therefore it takes 3 slices x 89 sandwiches to find out how many toast people Cookieman saw.

How many slices of bread are left for the next breakfast? 240 slices x 48 loaves = # of slices total. Your total slices - 5000 slices = # leftover.

Evil Green Toast: find the area of the Evil Green Toast using area = length times width. Divide this by the area of 30 to find the number of knives full of mayo needed to defeat the Evil Green Toast.