The Urban Blight
Area 46
Energy Level: -3

Area 46: Haven for spies, aliens, freaks, punks, monsters, vampires, talk show hosts, math teachers, and other bizarre life forms. Dare you enter?

"Listen up! Don’t call attention to yourself! You’ve landed by the Hotel Unknown.
I’m Nobody’s Fool and I’m here to put you wise to some valuable info.

There’s two Mind Monitors here on a stakeout. They’re right down the page. They’re looking for YOU. If they catch you, you’ll be, uh, reformatted, ya know what I’m saying?

Not to worry. Here in Nomean City you can get past any security as long as you know the right authorization code."

Use the Energy Level times the Area Number.

You! Stop Right There!

You must have an authorization code to continue.

Enter Authorization Code: